The conditions of asepsis and disinfection in the areas of hospital pharmacy and sterilization of a hospital are intended to eliminate any type of pathogenic element that could contaminate the workspace. Asepsis, that is, the absence of septic matter. It is achieved through a set of procedures called sterilization, which destroy all pathogens and prevent their development.

There are three levels in the pharmacy area of ​​a hospital: first, the prewashing and disinfection, which is the phase where germs are removed from medical instruments or equipment; second, sterilization, where the surgical tool is subjected to the autoclave, which, thanks to the temperature and pressure achieved, ends the procedure; and third, packaging and storage, where the instruments for the new use are prepared.

It is precisely in this third phase where a higher level of asepsis and disinfection is required, since it is there that the medical and surgical instruments are fully prepared to be used. Cross-contamination could contaminate the tool and could infect a patient during the operation or intervention.


In that sense, climate control is crucial to prevent microbes and bacteria from entering these areas. For this, positive pressure prevents entry because the air conditioning systems, equipped with HEPA filters, distribute a flow of air that expels all types of germs out of the enclosure, also preventing contaminated air from entering from outside. Therefore, it is essential that the entire enclosure is completely enclosed in a hermetic manner. It is recommended that the sterilized material storage room comply with ISO Class conditions similar to those of operating theaters.

The access doors are very important since they preserve the differential overpressure between the clean room and the corridor, thus guaranteeing an air flow from the inside to the outside in case of opening of the passage elements.

The Grupsa Hermetic Doors are a specific solution for clean areas and clean rooms, such as the pharmacy and sterilization area of ​​a hospital. This product has been designed without moldings or reliefs, to ensure the best conditions of hygiene and disinfection in conditions of sterility and with reduced costs of maintenance. In the sliding and swing version, they incorporate finishes with antibacterial materials that are easy to clean, such as stainless steel, high pressure anti-bacterial laminate (HPL) and glass.